Photo page

Before we get to the thumbnails, here's a WinAmp skin you can use! Just right-click on the photo to download it, then double-click on the icon on your computer, to install it. Simple!

These photos were scanned from some of my Wink CD's. You'll notice they're all posed studio photos, which makes a point about how "idol singers" are marketed in Japan. In all these pictures, the girls are basically little more than dress-up dolls that the stylists use, to model various fashions! More photos to be added!

Click on the thumbnails to see full-size images, then close the new window to return to this page.

blacklace1tn.jpg bwdressestn.jpg gauzydressestn.jpg jeweltonedressestn.jpg oriental1tn.jpg
oriental2tn.jpg twinmemtn.jpg twotonetn.jpg blackdressestn.jpg Coming soon
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